Spelling Shed includes:
Our platform can be used as a complete whole-school spelling solution. Our scheme gives weekly lists and activities, assignments provide targeted practice through our app / online game and Hive Games provide a weekly whole-class spelling test.
Alternatively, Spelling Shed can be used to supplement other spelling schemes by using our resources for prescribed objectives and / or our game for practice and monitoring.
Our scheme has been created following key National Curriculum objectives and will take children through the statutory and non-statutory spelling lists in each age phase.
Our whole-school scheme for spelling gives 100% coverage of the National Curriculum including all statutory words and spelling rules. The scheme is broken up into a weekly progression with a Spelling Shed list for each week plus printable activities and resources to aid teaching.
Our game has been developed to be ‘dyslexia friendly’ using the ‘Open Dyslexic’ font and has three levels of difficulty to support pupils of all abilities through the spelling lists with appropriate degrees of challenge.
With over 4,000 spellings from the National Curriculum, including disambiguation phrases for homophones, teachers will be able to track pupils progress through the objectives from Y1 – Y6. The app is fully customisable through the ‘Your Lists’ section which allows teachers and students to import custom lists.
Our app also allows full offline play and scanning of QR codes to both import lists as well as for pupils to sign in to their account.
Our online game mirrors our app and functions on all current desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile devices.
When a school has any subscription, students can access our online game using their account from any location.
For subscribers, our teacher hub allows teachers to manage pupil groups, set assignments and view pupil attainment data. Teachers can make lists available to pupils, individually or in groups. As pupils practise these spelling lists teachers can view the pupils' activity.
As well as playing individually, Hive Mode allows a whole group to play alongside each other with the teacher leading the group and showing leaderboard data making spelling tests far more fun than ever before.