Stage 6 of the Spelling Shed scheme
Stage 6 - Lesson 1 - Words with hyphens to avoid ambiguity FREE
Stage 6 - Lesson 2 - Words with the short vowel sound /i/ spelled 'y' FREE
Stage 6 - Lesson 3 - Words with the long vowel sound /igh/ spelled 'y'
Stage 6 - Lesson 4 - Latin root words form, cede, & spect,spic
Stage 6 - Lesson 5 - Latin and Greek root words poly, deca/deci, kilo, milli/mille and centi
Stage 6 - Lesson 6 - Prefixes 'micro-' and 'mini-'
Stage 6 - Lesson 7 - Words that can be nouns and verbs
Stage 6 - Lesson 8 - 'ie'/ee/ and exceptions
Stage 6 - Lesson 9 - Revision
Stage 6 - Lesson 10 - Words with unstressed vowel sounds
Stage 6 - Lesson 11 - Adjectives to describe settings
Stage 6 - Lesson 12 - Adjectives to describe feelings
Stage 6 - Lesson 13 - Adjectives to describe characters
Stage 6 - Lesson 14 - Words with hyphens to join a prefix ending in a vowel to a root word beginning with a vowel
Stage 6 - Lesson 15 - Words with the digraph 'ei'
Stage 6 - Lesson 16 - Adding the prefix '-over' and the suffix '-ful'
Stage 6 - Lesson 17 - Words where the digraphs 'ou' and 'ow' sound like /oa/ '
Stage 6 - Lesson 18 - Revision
Stage 6 - Lesson 19 - Words with unstressed vowel sounds
Stage 6 - Lesson 20 - Words where 'c' sounds like /s/ before 'e'
Stage 6 - Lesson 21 - Words with the prefixes 'dis-', 'un-' and 'im-'
Stage 6 - Lesson 22 - Words ending with /shuhl/ spelled 'cial' and 'tial'
Stage 6 - Lesson 23 - Words with the prefix 'ac'
Stage 6 - Lesson 24 - Adding the suffixes 'ibly' and '-ably'
Stage 6 - Lesson 25 - Adding the suffix '-ible'
Stage 6 - Lesson 26 - Adding the suffixes '-ent' and '-ence'
Stage 6 - Lesson 27 - Revision
Stage 6 - Lesson 28 - Words with the unstressed schwa endings '-er', '-or' and '-ar'
Stage 6 - Lesson 29 - Grammar Vocabulary 1
Stage 6 - Lesson 30 - Grammar Vocabulary 2
Stage 6 - Lesson 31 - Mathematical Vocabulary
Stage 6 - Lesson 32 - Words with the Latin prefixes 'con-', 'com-', 'co-', 'col-' and 'contra'/'contro-'
Stage 6 - Lesson 33 - Words with the Greek and Latin roots 'log'/'logue', 'path' and 'fact'/'fic'/'fect'
Stage 6 - Lesson 34 - Words with the Greek and Latin roots 'mech', 'cycl', 'phys' and 'pos'/'pon'/'pose'
Stage 6 - Lesson 35 - Words the Latin and Greek roots 'hydr', 'bene' and 'scrib'/'script'
Stage 6 - Lesson 36 - Revision